Landscape Irrigation Systems

What we do

We Design, Service,  Upgrade,  and install Landscape Irrigation Systems (aka Sprinkler Systems) using quality parts and workmanship. Each system is tailored to the needs of your property’s landscape irrigation needs and your particular design requests and come with a 2 years warranty on workmanship. Whatever your irrigation needs and water supply we can advise and help you to get the most efficient system that suits your needs now and for years to come. 

Sprinkler System

Benefits of Landscape Irrigation

A Landscape irrigation system is a wise investment that can work for upwards of 20+ years and further protect your dwelling or commercial building and allow you to occupy or own aesthetically pleasing surroundings all while minimizing the physical labor you must put forth watering manually and maximizing your emotional wellbeing by providing an efficient, aesthetically pleasing environment with an increased value asset. The properly designed and installed system will save you time, money and increase the property value at the same time protecting your foundation from harsh shifts in clay soil by maintaining appropriate moisture levels. 

It is our desire to deliver value to you  by offering our expertise to design and install a Landscape irrigation  system  that accomplishes your goal by using methods and materials proven over time to offer a quality result and a make it a place you enjoy!

drip irrigation

Irrigation Definition

Landscape irrigation is the art and management of applying water to the landscape in a manner to encourage the growth of plant material and support water conservation.

Background info & FYI

Most irrigation water in the city is obtained and flows through the city meter and is connected by default to everyone else. Thus as consumers and as Property owners we have a responsibility to use it wisely and follow all the rules that govern maintaining a safe potable water supply.

Landscape irrigation is Regulated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and your local water authority. These “bodies”  set the basic guidelines for the use of Irrigation and the fundamental requirements for system design   & a  few basic, but important  requirements

Landscape Irrigation in Texas requires a License issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality  (TCEQ) and a permit obtained from your water provider if the source of your irrigation water is to be a municipal or water district supplier of potable water, and  if not, no license is required but installation and design help are definitely recommended for the do-it yourselfer.

The license is required for obvious, and some not so obvious reasons as the  local potable water supply has the potential to be affected by the manner in which a system  operates and the physical and chemical environment it is operated in. There are other reasons  licensure is required but in general they (the TCEQ) have your best interest at heart and protect the consumers interest by protecting the water supply and setting guidelines for irrigators to go by to encourage conservation, minimize/eliminate  public water supply contamination, and ensure that the  designer/ installer has met the minimum requirements at least with regard to hydraulics and the “rules” for proper application when designing.

 It’s your water and you can water as much as you like, but good  systems are to be designed to guidelines that have your water, its appropriate application,  and potential investment in mind.


Basic System components and designs Consideration(s)

There are many systems out there and more components and some have been around in the same or similar form for the past 30 + years. Much care should be taken to match the needs of the landscape with the desires of the owner in accomplishing this. Considering this most people will find themselves satisfied with a happy medium between automatic  golf course style and hose end sprayer.

The basic design of an Automated Landscape irrigation system depends on what is available at your site with regard to water supply (flow rate) and pressure. Typically a site is measured and the number of square feet and different types of hydrozones are noted as well as any elevation changes .  This data is then coupled with the type of system desired and we then design a system that effectively distributes the water to the areas to be watered coupling like areas together into zones that take things into account such as evapotranspiration rates/ water requirements  of different forms of vegetation.

Once these considerations are taken next we install the appropriate potable water supply protector ( backflow preventer) , automated valves and a controller to put it all together.

There are many more considerations that must be taken depending on the water supply, location, soil type and specific application device ( sprinkler head, rotor , spray , riser , etc, drip irrigation but it will be discussed in detail elsewhere.

Once a controller is picked and a system appropriately installed you are finished except for noting the precipitation rates of the zones and the recommended watering times for the particular type of vegetation.


All of the above being completed according to the licensing authority you are due the watering schedule, all of the warranty materials, a bit of education  and a copy of the as built drawing for your records. 

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